About Me

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i thrive on hope, home, friends, family, fun, and living life. if there's an opportunity for something, i'll take it.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

about me (:

So, I just bought a new camera.. Nikon D5000 to be exact. It was a long time coming.. Saving up for over a year to buy this camera! Ha! As soon as I got it, a couple opportunities arose and I am the photographer for a hockey team in Provo, Utah. So you'll see a lot of hockey photos, but I also can't stop taking pictures of other things, let's just say that I might have a problem. 

This is my "Hello, and I hope you enjoy" post. Sooo, enjoy! (:

This was at the home opener for UC Blizzard, go check them out! 

&& join the group on facebook too! 

I will be your best friend if you do :D Can't turn that down, can ya?

1 comment:

  1. Elysa! New blog! New camera! New photo-job! Wowza! Congrats!
